- Hiring Dashboard
11 - 16 April 2023 (5 days)
UI/UX, Prototyping
Solo project
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Technical Test UI/UX - Company UI/UX Internship
Companies need a user-friendly and efficient human resources (HR) recruitment platform that can help find and recruit the best talent. Platforms should be designed to simplify the recruitment process, minimize errors, and save timemenghemat waktu.
  • John, a hiring manager who needs to fill several positions in different departments. He needed a platform that could help him easily post job openings, sift through resumes, and schedule interviews with potential candidates.
  • Maria, the HR coordinator who needs to manage the hiring process and track candidate information. He needed a platform that could help him organize applicant data, monitor the recruiting pipeline, and communicate with hiring managers.
Our platform will have a web-based design that will allow employers to easily post job vacancies, filter resumes, and schedule interviews with potential candidates. Intuitive and user-friendly User Interface, allows HR coordinators to easily manage applicant data, monitor recruitment process, and communicate with hiring managers. The platform will also include tools for automated communication with candidates, such as sending updates on the status of their applications.
Website design: The HR recruitment platform will be website-based.
This allows hiring managers to easily access the platform via a web browser.
In this Dashboard tab, we can see quick view of the hiring status and provides useful insights for hiring managers and HR coordinators with easy-to-understand graphs and diagrams, including information that we need. Hiring managers and HR coordinators can easily track recruiting performance. Hiring process can be monitored more efficiently and effectively, helping companies recruit the best talent more effectively.
Posting job: Platform must have to easily post job vacancies.
This feature should be easy to use and quickly accessible.
Post the job vacancy including important information, such as company name, available positions, required qualifications, and job location. With this feature, platform users can easily find job vacancies that match their interests and qualifications.
Resume filtering: Platform must have an effective resume filtering.
This feature should enable the hiring manager to easily filter and find resumes that match the specified criteria.
Organize applicant data, monitor recruitment processes, and communicate with hiring managers here. You can quickly access candidate information, such as name, position applied for, work experience and application status. With this feature, you can easily manage your HR recruitment and ensure that the recruitment process is efficient and effective.
Schedule interviews: Easy scheduling with potential candidates.
The platform must have a feature that allows hiring managers to schedule interviews with potential candidates. This feature should be easy to use and quickly accessible.
Intuitive user interface
The platform must have an intuitive and easy to use user interface. This ensures that users can easily navigate the platform and access all features easily.
You can access the Figma & Figjam file.
Note : Hohohohooo, you can access this file for Free. Here is the Figma .